Monday, March 19, 2007

How do they do that?

Have you ever watched the television show, How do they do that? They take apart myths and movies and try to prove whether they are fact or fiction. Quite cool! Most of the time they are fiction but that is beside the point. It is not the show that initially brought me here.....

We have become a society in which both parents have to work, sometimes 40-60 hours a week just to make ends meet. If they have small children they go to daycare, preschool or school and spend a couple of hours with their family before bed time. Weekends are spent running around to activities and doing errands that need to be done before Monday arrives again and they start all over. I have had the pleasure of working my career around my family but have recently experienced this lifestyle. My question is, How do they do that? Many families live in one city and one of them work in another. There family takes the back seat to their job. They plan family time around their work and family often gets what is left over.

I think we have it all backwards.....What do you think?

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